What your jewellery says about you...
Your style is a representation of who you are. The things you choose to wear, help showcase your personality, values and overall vibe. As a result, we think we know a thing or two about you based on what Saar Co jewellery you connect with...
Let's test our our theory.
If you're into gems...
You're a little more connected to your emotions than the average man. You appreciate nature, and all the spoils it lends you. Living life sustainably is one of your life missions, centring yourself with the earth and what you can do to preserve it.
Sound like you? Click here to shop
If pearls take your fancy...
You like experimenting, you're open to new waves of fashion, trends and styles and enjoy taking part in them. You're a modern man and consider yourself woke, because you are. People gravitate towards you as a result of your confidence, allowing you to work and charm a room without an ounce of social anxiety.
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If leather is your favourite...
You consider yourself masculine, gravitating towards the classic idea of man. Think woody scents, physical labour and chivalry. You spend most mornings in the gym, and maybe ride a motorcycle to and fro but inside you're not as tough as your look suggests. You're kind and soft.
Spot on? Click here to shop
If you vibe simple silver...
You are a classic man. You're delighted by the simple things in life such as a home cooked meal, fresh pint and Saturday nights with friends. You've followed quite a traditional path in life, getting educated before settling into a career that keeps the wheels turning. Friends and family are among the most important things to you.
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If black jewellery if your vibe...
You like a thrill. Whether its sky diving or a simple rollercoaster, some could call you an adrenaline junkie. You love nights out and often don't venture home until the early morning with some sort of food in hand. You've moved past the idea of tattoos with meaning and like fun designs that showcase your personality.
Interested in adding more black to your look? Click here to shop
If gold if your go to...
You like to stand out, but in an understated way. You want your look to gain attention without being too loud. You're full of charisma and charm and often use it to get exactly what you want. This doesn't mean you're not generous, ensuring all those around you are taken care of. You thrive on a dance floor but often choose to wine and dine instead.
If we're right... Click here to shop
No matter what your style says about you, we know Saar Co has something to match your unique look.