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Article: What to get for Gemini man?

What to get for Gemini man?

What to get for Gemini man?

Gemini season is right around the corner. But don’t worry - we are prepared!

Let’s start off with discovering what kind of people Gemini men really are. It’s pretty safe to say that any man born between 22nd May - 22nd June is naturally curious, which is caused by his “ability” to get bored easily.

Stand out in style

It’s important for everybody to know their weaknesses. Gemini men are the only exception. Are they impulsive? C’mon, it makes their life look like a movie. Are they inconsistent? Who cares, maybe they just haven’t found their passion yet.

Once you figure out how to turn your curses into blessings it becomes a superpower. And we want to help Gemini men do the same through jewellery.

So for those who seek adventure and unusualness we suggest our Thomas Cable Chain Necklace. Get ready to turn heads with this one!

Add Laser Engraving for more individuality

Just have fun

With Gemini men being highly extraverted and outgoing, it’s almost impossible to think about something other than nice and crafty jewellery pieces. They need something to compliment their stronger qualities, and we have just the thing. 

Rings are a subtle way to add to the style, but they are also hard to not notice. We think our Dexter Compass Shaped Ring will be a perfect way to compliment the body language, since it’s definitely something Gemini men use a lot!

If they loves astrology

He’ll appreciate the piece that literally symbolizes the Gemini in him. Even more people are getting into Astrology now, so why not compliment a Gemini’s talkativeness and adaptiveness with style? Zodiac pieces are fun, regardless of how much you’re into them.

Choose from our Zodiac Collection.

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How many rings is too many?

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