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Article: What to get a Man for Valentine's Day

What to get a Man for Valentine's Day

What to get a Man for Valentine's Day

Media and pop-culture are filled with ideas, suggestions and expectations of what women should receive for Valentine's Day, but men are often left behind. That means those who want to give them a gift for V Day are usually a little bit lost. 

We have the answers on what the special man in you life would love for Valentine's day that doesn't involve after shave or a beard trimming kit. 


1. Appeal to the senses

Scent is for everybody, perfect for brightening up a home and providing that luxurious feeling. If your man isn't into fruity or floral scents, their are a variety of more masculine scents on the market that are sure to transform their home. 

We love SOH Melbourne and their Mr. Moss Candle  


2. Matching jewellery 

Get a little something for you at the same time, with a matching jewellery set. Whether it's overt or subtle a little symbol of your relationship will always leave a lasting impression. 

Our couple sets cater to a range of styles and personalities, with engraving options and subtle pieces that only you'll know are connected. Click here to shop

3. Something cozy 

Here's the vision, you're on the couch watching a movie you actually agreed on and you're wrapped in a thick and fluffy luxurious blanket. Its cozy, you have a glass of wine and you are feeling the love. Now channel that. 

We love Adairs for blankets, pillows and everything fluffy. 


4. Jewellery just for them

If you're not ready for the matching route, jewellery can still make the perfect gift. Our rings especially are the perfect gift that definitely signals romance without being too obvious. It's also easy for your man to incorporate a ring into their usually stack rather than replacing a beloved chain for the one you've chosen.

Click here to explore our range of Men's rings in Gold, Stainless Steel & Black

5. Quality Time

If their love language involves one-on-one time with you, invest in it. Choose an activity you both love or have always wanted to do and make a plan. Whether it's a well thought out picnic, movie date or night in your favourite hotel, that's your gift. It's meaningful and will always be appreciated. 

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